Get the most for your charitable gift
El Paso County Enterprise Zone Tax Credits could increase your tax deductions at filing time.
Enterprise Zone Giving
Contributions to the FAC of $500 or more* are eligible for a 25% tax credit on your Colorado state taxes through the Pikes Peak Enterprise Zone (EZ). Contribute online through EZ!
Or follow these simple steps:
- Make your check payable to the Pikes Peak Enterprise Zone
- Include ‘FAC’ and the last four digits of your Social Security Number in the memo
- Mail your check to the FAC at: 30 W. Dale St., Attn: Development, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
We will process your donation with the necessary paperwork. You will receive a receipt from the FAC for your gift right away and approximately 30-45 days later, tax credit paperwork from El Paso County.
Please note that checks must be postmarked December 31 to ensure receipt of the tax credit for that calendar year.
*The portion of Director’s Circle membership that qualifies for EZ tax credit is less any tangible benefits (unless waived). A separate check for the membership balance can be paid directly to the FAC.
EZ tax credits are not available for Curtain Call or other donations restricted to specific programs or projects.