We’re excited to announce some changes around the Fine Arts Center! Our partnership with Colorado College and grants from the State Historical Fund have allowed us to invest in several facility updates necessary to ensure that this unique, beautiful space is preserved properly.
The Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center opened in 1936, making the original, historic building designed by architect John Gaw Meem just over 80 years old. We are dedicated to ensuring that this beautiful architectural landmark, listed on the National Register of Historical Places, is preserved as best as possible for future generations’ enjoyment. Our current rehabilitation and maintenance efforts are guided by a Historical Structure Assessment conducted in 2009.
In addition to program enhancements, Colorado College is investing more than $700,000 in capital improvements to be completed by July, 2017. Much of this will be unseen but critical work, such as a new museum collections database, upgraded security systems, and heating and cooling mechanics. One improvement you may have already noticed are the electronic door openers on our front and back entries, providing improved handicap accessibility. And soon, the refurbishing of our marvelous terrazzo floors throughout the grand hallways and stairs will be a recognizable beautification.
A $200,000 grant awarded from the State Historical Fund in early 2016 is supporting the Exterior Rehabilitation Project, which will help us preserve and repair several key components of the original FAC building. One of the vital updates included in this project is repair of the exterior brick stairs leading down to Monument Valley Park, west of the main entrance. Also included in the project are maintenance to balconies, several windows, and the Loggia’s historic ceramic tile.
The Exterior Rehabilitation Project will ensure long-term preservation of the exterior and enable us to focus on interior rehabilitation in the future. These projects will be ongoing through the summer and focus on public spaces that enjoy varied uses by our audiences.
Thank you for your patience during this process. We’re excited about these updates and we hope you enjoy them!