We Don’t Have a River: A Discussion from Many Perspectives
November 8, 2023 @ 5:30 pm
Location: Taste
Colorado Springs is the largest city in the American West without a major river. Because Colorado Springs augments its local water from intermittently-flowing smaller streams by piping water from Pikes Peak and the Western Slope, the city has developed a unique and complex relationship to water. This multidisciplinary panel discussion looks at Monument Creek, the city’s first and primary water way, as a microcosm of larger issues, mindsets, and inequities. It invites broad consideration of the creek from perspectives including geologic time, endangered species, hydraulic infrastructure, homelessness, urban development, and more, to reveal how the city has developed and how it might live in the increasingly arid future.
This event is presented and hosted by Colorado College’s Creativity & Innovation Program, and made possible by Creativity & Innovation and the Colorado College Cultural Attractions Fund.