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By the Numbers: Iraq and Vietnam Wars

Vietnam War

1961 the start of Vietnam

19,395,369  the total amount of Agent Orange* spray used over the 9-year period of Vietnam

3,000,000 the amount of soldiers who served in Vietnam

1,500,000 the amount of soldiers who served during the heaviest spraying of Agent Orange

1991 – when the United States Government passed the Agent Orange Act. Admitting that there was a link between Agent Orange and certain types of cancer.

506,184 – the total amount of medical examinations done on soldiers returning from Vietnam.

Iraq War

2003 was the start of the Iraq war.

70% of all American causalities in Iraq have been the result of Improvised Explosive Devices

143,434 cases to Traumatic Brain Injury diagnosed since American involvement in Iraq

50-100 IEDs reportedly go off monthly*

6 months the crucial period of diagnoses in Traumatic Brain Injuries.

12-15 months the average length of a single tour** in Iraq.
*statistics reported in 2010.
** due to military constraints, officers often complete 2+ tours of duty.

Make Sure It’s Me (on stage Sept. 13–23, 2012) revolves around veterans of the Iraq War and the effect that exposure to Improvised Explosive Devices can have on their brain and other soft tissue organs. Make Sure It’s Me continuously references the spraying of Agent Orange in Vietnam and the effect that that also had on the body.