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Behind the Scenes: Animal Stars of Gypsy

“‘Let me, entertain you!’ Come see my stage premiere in Gypsy!” —Browniebelle

Gypsy (Sept. 27–Oct. 21, 2012), featured two awesomely cute animals in the production!

Played by Sally and Mallory Hybl’s 10-year-old toy poodle, Pumpkin. Sally plays Tessie Tura (one of the dancers in the second act) and Mallory plays the younger version of Lacey Connell’s character, Louise. Mallory has grown up with Pumpkin, being only two years the dog’s senior. Pumpkin even gets her own dressing area in Sally’s room, complete with snacks, water bowl and detangling spray. Sally was in Robert Jacyshyn’s first show at the FAC nearly 30 years ago; Jacyshyn will be retiring after this show. Pumpkin loves all the attention she gets from the kids.

Pumpkin with Lacey Connell backstage before
a show.
Pumpkin in her part of the dressing room. You can see the
edge of her doggy bowl.
Sitting comfortably in her mom, Sally Hybl’s (Hybl plays Tessie Tura), lap.
Pumpkin gets brushed with detangling spray before every show.
Her “warm-up” is walking around backstage with Sally Hybl.


Lacey Connell giving Browniebelle a hug before
they go on stage together.

Found on Craigslist by Assistant Stage Manager and Props designer, Kat Springer. The FAC actually purchased her for the sole purpose of this show, and she has been staying at the Air Force Equestrian Center  during the run. When the production is over, Browniebelle is going to Kat’s parents’ farm in Florissant. Browniebell’s favorite snacks are sugar cubes. 

Browniebelle’s backstage pen. The crew built her this little
area where she can hang out, removed from the rest of the
cast and crew. Browniebelle has to be kept away from the
cast because she won’t stop baa-ing for attention if she
hears people.
Browniebelle’s favorite snack is sugar cubes.


Browniebelle flashes us a (blurry) smile.